Access Experienced Attorneys In Securities Law At A Fraction Of Cost Of A Brick And Mortar Firm. We Crowd-Source The Best To Provide Legal Documents Like PPMs, Vesting Agreement, Joint Venture Agreements, And More In 5 Days Or Less
Having the ability to get your ppm done quickly once you begin a syndication is key. All things being equal you want professionally drafted ppm, you want it prepared as inexpensively as possible, and you want it completed as quickly as possible.
We cut out the typical snail pace of the brick and mortor law firm to delivery professsional prepared documents fast!
Most Law Firms Will Take Weeks – Several Weeks to Deliver The First Draft of a Private Placement Memorandum. We’re Different. We Can Delivery Your First Draft in Less Than One Week.
Complete a simple onboarding questionnaire to initiate the process.
Your project will be assigned to a member of our expert legal team to draft your docs.
Review and comment on our documents to move them to the final stage!
Find out how to get started today.